Module Diagnostics.Component

type t = Zeroinstall_solver.Diagnostics(Solver.Output).Component.t
type rejection_reason = [
  1. | `ClassConflict of Solver.Output.Role.t * Solver.Output.Input.conflict_class
  2. | `ConflictsRole of Solver.Output.Role.t
  3. | `DepFailsRestriction of Solver.Output.Input.dependency * Solver.Output.Input.restriction
  4. | `DiagnosticsFailure of string
  5. | `FailsRestriction of Solver.Output.Input.restriction
  6. | `MachineGroupConflict of Solver.Output.Role.t * Solver.Output.Input.impl
  7. | `MissingCommand of Solver.Output.Input.command_name
  8. | `Model_rejection of Solver.Output.Input.rejection
type reject = Solver.Output.Input.impl * rejection_reason
val pp_reject : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> reject -> unit
val selected_impl : t -> Solver.Output.Input.impl option
val notes : t -> Note.t list
val rejects : t -> reject list * [ `All_unusable | `Conflicts | `No_candidates ]
val pp : verbose:bool -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit